Friday, July 27, 2012


It seems that everyone - both left and right - has their tits in a twist over this Chick-fil-A anti-gay controversy.  My then-husband and I used to eat at Chick-fil-A in college because it was a part of the campus food court, but I've only eaten there a handful of times in the past decade or so.  

I fully support Dan Cathy's right to hold whatever beliefs on marriage, family, and sexuality he wants.  I also fully support his right to donate to the charities and organizations of his choice.  I, in no way, wish to limit his freedom of religion or speech.  However, as a consumer, a lesbian, and an atheist, I have every right to voice a counter opinion and buy my chicken sandwiches elsewhere.

It's true that I'd rather put a dick in my mouth than a Chick-fil-A sandwich, but that doesn't mean I'm angry at folks who still eat there.  I am angry, however, at folks who actively work to keep me from being able to legally marry the woman to whom I'm completely, lovingly committed.   I'm not going to assume that every person who eats at Chick-fil-A is raging homophobe, just as I don't assume everyone with an iPhone actively supports human rights violations.

If you're one of those unlucky folks who loves Chick-fil-A's food and supports equality, here's my offer to you:   Donate $10 to the the Human Rights Campaign, Kentucky Fairness, or Lexington Fairness and I will gladly make you a tasty chicken sandwich with homemade bread & butter pickles and a side of carrot & raisin salad. 
